Monday, September 12, 2016

Showing God's love, peace, truth, and liberty the best way I know how

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 
-- Matthew 5:9 NIV

Hello, everyone! Thank you for stopping by.  This blog will focus on being an advocate for peace, love, truth, and liberty from hopefully a Christian perspective.

The blog was started as a way to counter some problems I've noticed within the Christian community. If you're not a Christian, that's okay too. I would love to have you follow along as well. I will cover topics that are not always directly related to Christianity.

What this blog is aiming to counter

There are a couple of problems I've noticed at least in the church of North America.

One, it seems many Christians, especially in the US, have wrapped themselves in a flag and gotten hypnotized by neoconservatives to support the war machine and blindly follow the interests of the military-industrial complex, imperialists, or hyper-nationalists, especially when it comes to actions in the Middle East.

Rather than getting drawn into such conflicts, which is only benefits one worldly kingdom at the expense of another, Christians need to follow Jesus Christ. He told them to love to each other as well as our neighbors and even our enemies. When Jesus was about to ascend into heaven, He told His disciples to teach others to obey his command, which is love. This radical love is only thing that prevent the human race from going into extinction.

Two, to a lesser extent, some Christians have been lulled by the sirens of social progressives. Things like standing against corporate personhood, cronyism, human trafficking, human rights abuse, and economic injustice are what Christians should do. Christians should be the voice of the oppressed and the downtrodden since God is a defender of them. However, to advocate things like state socialism, collectivism, taking people's right to defend themselves, and giving approval to certain behaviors that humans aren't made for is something Christian should avoid. This reason is that these things don't reflect the radical love of King Jesus. These things seek control over other people. One group will dominate at the expense of others. 


Now the two problems I listed out doesn't Christians shouldn't vote. That's up to the conscience of every brother and sister in Christ, since voting isn't mentioned in Scripture. I'm merely saying that the priority is Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

Christians need to be counterculture because we serve a King that's not of this world. We shouldn't embrace the culture. Nonetheless, Christians should build bridges with others as much as possible.

Being a Christian is a fine and delicate balance. Jesus should always be the center and core of it all. If Christian keep their eyes on Jesus, then they can be radical like Him but avoiding the extremes at the same time.

I don't have all the answers. I'm not infallible. I'm just here to communicate the love and light of Jesus Christ to this dark world the best way I know how. Blessings to all!

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