Monday, September 19, 2016

Can peace emerge from a wrecked weekend

The United States accidentally bombed Syrian troops on Saturday because they thought it was ISIS. But some doubt the sincerity of that claim and claim the US sides with ISIS. Whether this was an accident or not, only God knows. I don't know which way is true. Then also over the weekend, you have explosions happen in New York and New Jersey caused by a terror suspect.  Now whether this is connected in any way, I don't know. 

Where am I going with this? This world is a powder keg ready to explode. But is there a way a diffuse it?  Maybe, in the short run through diplomacy. But in the long run, sadly no. Why? It's because the kingdoms of this world can't. They are inherently based on brute force and power over others. Fighting, divisions conquest, and war is the water they drink. Randolph Bourne said it best:

"War is the Health of the State."

Sadly, it is. They thrive off it. Otherwise, they will shrivel up and dine. While stated in Romans 13 from the Bible, God uses the sword to punish the evildoers, it's also shown in Revelation 13, the State or the kingdoms of this world, are shown as a ferocious beast backed by Satan. For goodness sake's the system is described as a brute in this chapter. What a double-edge sword the government is. So what do we do?

There is hope. But it wouldn't be solved by political means or looking to the governments of this world. The hope is found in Jesus Christ.  He gives us peace, but not like the fleeting peace of this world. It's a different kind of peace. It's a peace that more meaningful and more lasting and transcends the politics of this world (John 14:27; Philippians 4:7). So how do we get this peace?

This peace can only be found in Jesus. If we follow Jesus as the Lord over our lives, He will transform us into a people of love, peace, and truth. He is not like the tyrants of this world. Jesus is caring and loving and give us peace. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, his yoke is easy and his burden is light. He is not like the tyrants of this world, who will weigh you down and crush you. Jesus is gentle and humble and will lift you up.

If we submit our lives to King Jesus, he shows us how to be peaceful and loving to others. As a matter of fact, His command to His disciples in John 13:34 is to love one another as He loved them. 

Imagine, what the world be like if we were loving towards each others. When I mean love, it's not the world's way of understanding. It's Christ's way of understanding it.

So in short, can peace emerge from a wrecked weekend? Yes, it can. But we can't look to the kingdoms of this world to solve it. We can only look to the Kingdom of God and the King who sits on the throne there.  

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