Sunday, August 27, 2017

Jesus Christ or Extinction

I will never abadon Jesus or His movement. Jesus's movement, Christianity, was the first and still is the true radical movement in humanity to destroy racism. Christianity also planted the seeds to destroy slavery. Did you know many who wanted to abolish slavery were Christians. And real Christians to this day are fighting the modern day slavery, the sex slave trade. Christianity has lifted up people out of poverty and squalor and continues to do so. Who has established more hospitals, orphanages, homeless shelters, and other institutions overall in history than Christians. Christians spearheaded ending child labor. And we can go on and on.

Many reforms of humanity came sincere men and women of God who sought to lift others up out of despair. Christianity has brought humanity steps up and forward. Unfortunately, many people are either too intellectually dishonest or myopic to understand history. Yes, they were people who claimed the name Jesus Christ who did horrible things in His name. But anyone who knows the Bible would know right away that these weren't real Christians but those who sought power and control instead. Jesus Christ's message is the ONLY hope for humanity. He is the ONLY One who can prevent this planet from going into extinction. Humanity has two choices before them. We must either choose life that is found in Jesus Christ or we pursue the road of destruction towards extinction.

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