Saturday, January 21, 2017

An opportunity

To those who advocate peace and liberty,

We have an opportunity now to encourage President Trump to pursue a path of peace and non-intervention.

Based on Trump's inaugural address, the President seemed to be more focused on building the country up rather than imposing the US's will on other nations.

And Trump has hinted that he's not interested in military adventurism and nation building during his campaign. He even criticized the Iraq War and George W Bush for going in and leaving a disaster.

He also seems to be skeptical of the military industrial complex, such as questioning the cost of the F35 program. And he seems to be skeptical of the intelligence community.

If this is true, then it's an encouraging start to roll back the Empire. Of course, there's a lot of work to be done, such as ending the spying apparatus, drone warfare, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the bases and troops worldwide, foreign entanglements, Guantanamo Bay, and the military industrial complex. The list goes and on and on.

The path to peace and liberty is hard work and there will be set backs along the way. But the point is to keep forward and speaking out in spite of these possible obstacles and set backs.

Of course, we need to stand against this President if he pursues a path of destruction and carnage. For now, we an have opportunity.

There might be deep reservations we have about this new president. I know I do. But based on the things regarding foreign policy and war, we might have an opportunity to seek a common ground with the President to pursue peace and prosperity.

He distrusts the mainstream media. And chances are, you as well. And since we might share that common thread, we can reach out to him easier and get his ear more to pursue peace.

Only time will tell whether President Trump will continue to road towards Empire and destruction or will change course towards peace and life.

I pray that peace will prevail in this nation and in the heart of this new President.


The Praying Peacenik

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