One of the coolest things I seen today was when I looked up at the sky, I saw cloud shaped like a cross. It then morphed into what it looked like a dove. This reminded me of Who is important and to keep my focus on Him.
Now I don't go looking for signs or any of that. It just reminded me the only peace and hope we can find in this war-torn, divided world is in God.
Once you experience that peace and hope, you can share that with this world. And who knows what will happen when others accept this transcendant peace and hope.
As a lover of liberty and a follower of Christ, this freedom and hope is a freedom that no words can explain.
What we are looking for to make this world a better place cannot be found in any government or any political philosophy. People's hearts have to change, one person at a time. Then, the world will change one step at a time.
Merry Christmas and God bless you all.